Meet Christina Jones

Written by: Christina Jones



Time to read 3 min

I am Christina Jones and I am honored and excited to be joining The Wig Company team! I always tell people that this industry picked me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My love for hair started at a very young age. My aunt was a self-taught hairdresser and she always took time to show me how to do different braids and hairstyles.

I think it was around age 6, when I took the dreaded scissors to the Barbie’s head… but to everyone’s surprise the cut wasn’t half bad! Fast forward some years later, and I was sure I wanted to do hair after high school. I wasted no time signing up for a Cosmetology Program and even chose to skip the summer after I graduated to get started right away.

In Cosmetology school, I had the most amazing color instructor and knew getting certified in hair color would be my path. I loved the chemistry behind it and it seemed the most challenging – and the most rewarding. After receiving my license, I looked up the most high-end salon in Dallas. I wanted to be around the best – to be the best. I started my apprenticeship at the best rated salon I could find.

I worked with their top colorists and slowly worked my way up to the owner who was definitely the best of the best. I assisted during the day, and studied at night, and I loved every second of it. I even enjoyed all the towel folding and shampooing! I was dedicated to the trade – I had found my place.

I became certified in hair color and later gained clients of my own. Those who are hairdressers, or work in salons, know about the long hours and time on your feet – weekends are no longer a time to relax. I was only getting started, but at the time the salon owner decided to make a big move and opened in the most fabulous mall in Dallas. I thought, “Wow this is so awesome!”

However, as you can imagine, the retail hours of a mall plus the long salon hours left me with even less time for my personal life. I was beginning to consider searching for a hair salon with more reasonable hours (HA!) or perhaps working for myself in my own space, as an independent stylist.

I wanted some time to think about it, but since I went straight to work at a salon from Cosmetology school, I never had the need to create an official resume. It was time to get to it! I went online and created a resume, not realizing the website I used would automatically make it public to employers. I had already decided to set aside some time from working to reflect and really find the right spot for myself.

If you know me, you know I tend to overthink my every decision. So, it was during this time when I got a call from a temp agency. They told me a position opened up which I qualified for and they wanted me to come in to add me to their system. I didn’t think it would hurt, so I went in and did all the tests, typing, etc., I did really well and I think they were surprised by that since I had a “hairstylist background” and sadly, most hairstylists are assumed to be technologically challenged.

That led to the interview that would forever change my life. I definitely started that job with a temporary mindset. I didn’t think selling wigs online would even be a thing. At that time, it was still a .net and people weren’t shopping online yet. Crazy, right?! Now, almost 16 years later, I am forever grateful for this amazing, highly underrated industry.

Having been able to talk to the brave, courageous, and beautiful women that make wigs what they are today, is priceless to me. If it wasn’t for you, the wig wearer reading this right now, wigs would not be what they are today. YOU have made them fashionable; YOU have made them beautiful; YOU are to thank. I thank YOU!

I’ve always loved taking something that seems like a challenge and mastering it to the best of my ability. I’ve spent more than half of my life learning everything I can about wigs, and have used my hairstylist background to try everything imaginable on them. And now, I get to share that knowledge with you!

I’m beyond honored and humbled to be able to meet each and every one of you and hope to help you in any way that I can. No question will go unanswered. You will be seeing a lot of me, and I hope to be seeing a lot of you! I cannot wait to start this next chapter, the sky is the limit

Comment where you’re from and when you fell in love with wigs, I would love to hear your story.

You can always reach me directly on social media @thehairyoulove, any of The Wig Company’s social channels or email me directly at

Until next time