MARSHA by Envy in PLATINUM SHADOW | Light Blonde with Dark Roots FB MAIN IMAGE
Roxie wearing MARSHA by ENVY in color GOLDEN NUTMEG | Medium Brown roots with overall Warm Cinnamon base and Golden Blonde Highlights
Marcie Mertz @wig.obsessed wearing MARSHA by ENVY BY ALAN EATON in color SILKY BEIGE | Light Platinum Blonde with Dark Brown Roots
Marcie Mertz @wig.obsessed wearing MARSHA by ENVY BY ALAN EATON in color SILKY BEIGE | Light Platinum Blonde with Dark Brown Roots
Marcie Mertz @wig.obsessed wearing MARSHA by ENVY BY ALAN EATON in color SILKY BEIGE | Light Platinum Blonde with Dark Brown Roots
Marcie Mertz @wig.obsessed wearing MARSHA by ENVY BY ALAN EATON in color SILKY BEIGE | Light Platinum Blonde with Dark Brown Roots
Jenny B. @thewiggygirl wearing MARSHA by ENVY in color GOLDEN SANDSTONE | Creamy Beige-Blonde with Darker Brown Roots
Jenny B. @thewiggygirl wearing MARSHA by ENVY in color GOLDEN SANDSTONE | Creamy Beige-Blonde with Darker Brown Roots
Marcie Mertz @wig.obsessed Wears MARSHA by ENVY in MACCHIATO | A blend of Chestnut Brown and Soft Dark Blonde with Dark Brown Roots
Marcie Mertz @wig.obsessed Wears MARSHA by ENVY in MACCHIATO | A blend of Chestnut Brown and Soft Dark Blonde with Dark Brown Roots
Amber @fabricatingfringe wearing MARSHA by ENVY BY ALAN EATON in color GOLDEN SANDSTONE | Creamy Beige-Blonde with Darker Brown Roots
Roxie wearing MARSHA by ENVY in color GOLDEN NUTMEG | Medium Brown roots with overall Warm Cinnamon base and Golden Blonde Highlights
Roxie wearing MARSHA by ENVY in color GOLDEN NUTMEG | Medium Brown roots with overall Warm Cinnamon base and Golden Blonde Highlights
MARSHA by Envy in MEDIUM BROWN | Medium Brown with natural highlights
Marsha | Synthetic Lace Front Wig (Mono Top)
Marsha | Synthetic Lace Front Wig (Mono Top)
MARSHA by Envy in PLATINUM SHADOW | Light Blonde with Dark Roots
PLATINUM SHADOW | Light Blonde with Dark Roots
MARSHA by Envy in PLATINUM SHADOW | Light Blonde with Dark Roots
PLATINUM SHADOW | Light Blonde with Dark Roots
MARSHA by Envy in PLATINUM SHADOW | Light Blonde with Dark Roots
Cap Construction | Lace Front | Mono Top | Wefted